Video: Conan O’Brien Lampoons Final Cut Pro “Ex”

J.R. Bookwalter

Conen O'Brien on TBSWell, it was bound to happen eventually, but it’s surprising to see an app like Final Cut Pro X aimed at professional users get lampooned. But that’s exactly what talk show host Conan O’Brien did on his TBS show Thursday night, less than three days after the software was released to the Mac App Store.

9to5Mac is reporting that Final Cut Pro X as now “become a punchline on late night TV,” courtesy of Conan O’Brien and his new platform on TBS. O’Brien opens with “Apple just released a new version of their editing software, Final Cut Pro,” which most of his viewers are likely unfamiliar with in the first place.

“Apparently it’s so different from the last version of Final Cut,” O’Brien continues, “video and film editors all over Hollywood have a very hard time adjusting to it.”

The talk show host then launches into a faux statement from his own video editors “voicing their support” for the software — a video that appears to be a jumbled, out of sync mess created by what they refer to as “Final Cut Pro Ex” rather than the proper “Final Cut Pro Ten.”

Check out the short video for yourself below, and then try to imagine the sheer rage Apple CEO Steve Jobs is likely unleashing on the Final Cut Pro engineers this fine Friday.

Follow this article’s author, J.R. Bookwalter on Twitter

(Image courtesy of 9to5Mac and YouTube)

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